O'Neill Front Zip Women's Gem Competition Style Waterski and Wakeboard Vest
The super populuar Gem will gain a lot of new friends as a Front Zip and O'Neill didn't stop at just adding a zipper. The Gem is now made with NitroLite Foam Technology. NitroLite Foam is over 60% lighter than regular PVC foam and it absorbs 15 to 20% less water. It's also 10% more buoyant than regular foam so a cool looking thin waterski and wakeboard vest like this can still offer good flotation.
- Segmented foam core - allows for much more movement through strategic cuts in the foam.
- Front Zip design for a thin comfy vest that'sis easy on-off
- NitroLite Foam Technology - over 60% lighter than regular PVC foam and absorbs 15 - 20% less water.
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